About the Race Class Narrative

The Race Class Narrative (RCN) is an empirically-tested narrative incorporating both race and class that neutralizes the use of dog-whistle racism to win on the issues we care about.

Our opposition regularly uses racial fear as a tool to exploit economic anxieties and turn people against one another, even when their economic interests are aligned, and turn them against a government that works for all. In doing so, the opposition regularly scapegoats communities of color and other historically disenfranchised and marginalized groups for problems that have been created by a handful of self-interested politicians and their greedy corporate donors. 

The Race Class Narrative messaging architecture fights back against these attacks to build cross-racial solidarity and support for our issues, from affordable health care to reproductive freedom to climate justice.

History of the RCN

Research for the Race Class Narrative began in 2017 through collaboration between Heather McGhee, Anat Shenker-Osorio, Ian Haney López, Lake Research Partners, Brilliant Corners, SEIU and Demos, with the goal of developing a narrative incorporating race and class that would neutralize the use of dog-whistle racism, resonate with our base – especially people of color – and bring along the largest possible group of white people in support of our economic and racial justice policy solutions.

In 2020, the Race Class Narrative Action Project carried this research through a full implementation program focused on the Midwest (Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin). That project successfully provided our state partners with high-quality, state-specific narrative and messaging research to inform their strategies. Through regular virtual meetups, a Slack channel with over 250 active members, and frequent research briefings, we built a strong RCN community and kept states prepared with cutting-edge messaging insights on everything from the COVID-19 pandemic to policing and protests. The RCN Action Project laid the groundwork for new, RCN-informed working groups on climate and racial justice led by state partner leaders, artists, and organizers.

What we have learned from successful experimentation over the years is being carried out by various efforts such as, Project Juntos, Race-Class Academy, deep canvassing by People’s Action, and by our many partners.

To learn more about how groups are winning with the Race Class Narrative, please read this memo.

Explore the Resources

Building off of the foundational RCN research, we've partnered with organizations, labor unions, faith groups, and more to uncover the best ways of speaking persuasively on the issues people care about. 

Over the years, We Make the Future has developed dozens of resources made available open-source to our partners, including digital toolkits, messaging memos, video content, social media graphics, and other grassroots organizing tools. Our resources cover issues ranging from education, voting rights, reproductive justice, LGBTQ+ equality, public safety, and more. You can explore our library of resources here.

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