For our messages to work, voters must hear them.
We build it so you can use it. These resources are for you. Use them as you see fit.
The items here are based on rigorous research into perception and persuasion. We provide specific recommendations to engage and mobilize our base, who are primarily People of Color, while also persuading as many white people as possible on our economic and racial justice policy solutions.
Building off the foundational Race Class Narrative, we've partnered with others to discover the best ways of speaking effectively on the issues people care about.
You can receive notice of future resources by signing up for our newsletter. You can support resources like this by donating to our work.
Briefing Recordings: Recordings from our public webinars, research briefings, and other events.
Digital Toolkits: These resources feature messaging guidance, alongside open-source creative concepts like videos, GIFs, and memes to aid you in telling a story on social media and other online platforms.
Español: Manuales de mensajes y herramientas digitales en español.
Messaging Guide: Our messaging guides are usually grounded in a related research project, they provide instructions, tips, and example language that help you make the case to your audience on an issue.
Partner Messaging Guides: These messaging guides were developed by partner organizations.
Program Reports: Summaries of process and outcomes from specific projects done in collaboration with partner organizations.
Rapid Response Memos: We create these guides to aid partners in rapidly addressing a developing issue. They include emerging messages to quickly respond to breaking news.
Research Summaries: Research reports from our public opinion research projects. These reports inform the rest of our resources.
Presentation Slides: Electronic presentation slides from our briefings and other demonstrations of research.
Produced in partnership with ASO Communications. You can find all of our videos here.
We believe that if our words don’t spread, they don’t work. As such, we are honored to have you use these pieces of creative in your work. They are yours to use freely without need for attribution in your advocacy efforts. You can request access to download these videos here.
Check out these examples of Race Class Narrative in action from our partner organizations across the country.
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Reach out to with your inquiry.