Here to Stay: How to Talk About MAGA’s Authoritarian Agenda on Immigration (ASO Communications)

This messaging memo from ASO Communications provides guidance, narratives and tips to help you talk to your communities about MAGA’s authoritarian agenda on immigration.

From the violent seizure of Native land to Jim Crow segregation to MAGA’s ascendency, a powerful few have always tried to control the many by selecting a scapegoat to shame and blame. During the 2024 election cycle, the MAGA movement harnessed this age-old strategy by vilifying and harming new immigrants in order to advance their agenda to take away our freedoms.

Now that they have secured power, we must contend with their brutally repressive policies against people from other places by mobilizing Americans to strike, march, and protect each other from deportation.


Rapid Response Memo: Mobilizing Voters Who Most Care About the War in Gaza