Race Class Narrative Example Language

In this resource, you’ll find sample language articulating how to follow these basic tenets of Race Class Narrative messaging:

  1. Open with shared values that name (and/or show) race.

  2. Name villains, their motivation, and how they use strategic racism and scapegoating to divide and distract us while they harm us all.

  3. Uplift victories and/or everyday collective actions that solve problem(s).

  4. Describe a vision for what will change that includes everyone coming together to achieve it.

  5. Insert a specific call to action.

Use this sample language as a guide to create your own Race Class Narrative inspired messages, or feel free to use this language verbatim as needed–we’re absolute believers that if our words don’t spread, they don’t work! 

For a quick checklist of Race Class Narrative messaging principles, click here.


Amplifying Organizing


Race Class Narrative (RCN) Messaging Checklist